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2023 is more than half over and 2024 is already on the horizon. Thankfully, so much is behind us now, and it is about time to get back on-track again. Have you asked yourself lately if you have firmly set your intentions for the goals you wish to manifest in 2023, in 2024, and in the near future and beyond? More importantly, are you clear about those intentions? The Universe has a way of giving us clues and leading us on our next steps along our journey.  If you are reading this then right now is the right time for you to begin this journey. Immerse yourself in the focused practice of: 

1) Affirmative Intention, 2) Affirmative Prayer, 3) Affirmative Ritual

I have named this The 3-Step Spiritual Process© for achieving success in your endeavors. This 6 Week program is especially designed and geared towards those who have reached mid-life and whose time has come (whether it be of your own choosing or not) for you to take your life in a totally new direction.

Statistics show that we accomplish more when we engage a Motivational Life Coach to guide us along to ensure optimum success in our endeavors.

My plan is affordable and no gimmicks! Session Options are In-person Only (depending upon your geographical location.)

Please e-mail me at for MORE INFORMATION about this specific program and to claim your FREE 15 MINUTE COACHING CONSULTATION SESSION for a taste of this enlightening new and effective program which will be tailored specifically for your immediate and future life goals.


Passion Reimagined Spiritual Wellness Coaching ©

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